Tuesday, August 09, 2005

[true beginning]

from paper to cyberspace (the journal entry that started it all)

I have this urge to set up another blog. There has been an obvious lack in my journaling capabilities in the past few months. I'd like to believe though, that if this month is taken into consideration, there is at least a visible improvement in the quality and quantity of entries. The reason I'm having second thoughts about blogging again is that I'm too lazy to work on the layout. That will take so much time. As it is I spend so much time on flickr already.

There is, however, the option of just setting up a photoblog. The problem with that is I'll probably be putting pictures even less often than written entries, more so now that I've decided to take more pictures on film. I don't have a scanner at hand and I don't feel like spending much to have my prints scanned. As it is the film processing cost so much already.

In search of a so-called life I once again turn to writing and the internet. Is that a bad sign? It makes me feel that I'm undergoing a kind of regression. Three years ago, after two years of blogging, I was able to let go of a daily insanity and move on. Now, I'm thinking of blogging again. Have I slipped and taken a step back or is this a new phase entirely? A phase glaringly similar to the one I went through five years ago but having an entirely different purpose. As always I do not have the answer to my question. At least not yet.


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