Thursday, August 11, 2005


There is something to be said about stress and my ability to handle it when cupfuls of strong coffee are not enough and I start craving for a cigarette. I can’t. Handle the stress quite well that is. I’m starting to drift again. I keep looking at photos. I keep reading TV show transcripts. I keep convincing myself that Michael Crichton’s Travels is not really so bad (even if deep down, for a travel book, I think it is not well written and for an autobiography, it is pretty shallow).

I ended up reading for an hour for class last night - only one lousy hour, when I definitely had more than 8 hours to spare. I tried to suppress my boredom by going through interesting things that happened to me during that day. I ended up going through only two.

The highlights of the day:

1) Having my intraocular pressure measured using a Schiotz meter. My IOP was 17 mmHg for both eyes. Normal.

2) Hearing a loud blowing murmur (grade 4/6) over the 2nd intercostal space right parasternal line, radiating towards the left parasternal border and the xiphisternal junction on auscultation of a patient with hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.


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