Friday, September 16, 2005


It has been raining the whole week. The air is cool. The streets are clean. It feels like December. I fall into a deep slumber every night and in the morning sleep through the incessant ringing of my alarm clock. Eight hours of sleep has never felt this good.

School hasn’t been very stimulating lately. I often drift in and out of lectures. I have lapses of inattention and innumerable moments spent daydreaming. My mind is in constant motion. It is as if my mind is trying to compensate for the transient immobility I must endure sitting through hours and hours of lecture. I know I complain too much. I am lucky enough to get through classes without studying much. However, it is not something I am particularly proud of.

I have found that as I grow older I approach the one thing that I abhor. As I grow older, I become the embodiment of the very thing I swore not to become. I have allowed myself to sink to an unacceptable level of MEDIOCRITY. I have every reason to excel yet I chose to be MEDIOCRE. This is all such a terrible, terrible waste of potential.

the highlights of medicine, literally


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