Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I woke up at seven, had a cup of coffee and a slice of cold pizza. Not exactly breakfast for champions but it was no time to get picky. I checked my email and contemplated writing to my sister. I didn’t.

I re-organized all the reading materials for the past semester and filed them away in bulky folders and envelops. After two hours of this pointless task I gave up.

Lunch was like de javu: a cup of coffee and a slice of cold pizza.

I read a former co-worker’s draft for an M.S. thesis, made a few notes on the margin and left it as it was.

I stared blankly at the materials for the revision of a final paper for school, resented the fact that I had to toil over a paper that will not be graded nor read anyway. I only have to pass it for completion. It’s due next Monday. I did not get anything done.

I deliberated about going out to watch a movie. I checked the movie scheds and found nothing I’m even remotely interested in. I already saw V for Vendetta last Saturday. And yes, God is in the rain.

I started reading a few chapters of Ursula Le Guin's Changing Planes: Armchair Travel for the Mind. This is my first ever Le Guin book and I'm not exactly sure how I like it so far.

For dinner I ate more leftovers (but no more pizza this time). I prolonged the meal by using a pair of chopsticks given by a friend who recently arrived from Japan. I had a cup of mint tea after that, with an unusually big dollop of honey.

I then proceeded to watch Noah Baumbach’s The Squid and the Whale.

This is me on the 4th day of vacation and absolutely fucking bored already. Whoever it was who said that humans were not built for leisure was right (I believe it was Douglas Coupland in Generation X). At least this human isn’t. Maybe I should go out for a drink.

P.S. Watching V for Vendetta, I hated the fact that all I could think about was Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange. I'm just glad that, as expected, Hugo Weaving and Natalie Portman gave stellar perfomances (I can forgive Portman for the occasional vanishing British accent).


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