Friday, March 24, 2006

remembered conversations 2

I finished reading on sleep apnea one night (it seems that our professor did lecture on it and I didn’t just dream of it) and the next day decided to share what I had learned to a classmate.

I started out with: May sleep apnea ata ako.
Classmate: Ha?
Me: I read last night that the common clinical manifestations are a result of the fragmented sleep and loss of slow-wave sleep during the night. So a patient may have cognitive and behavioral disturbances, excessive daytime sleepiness, intellectual impairment, memory loss and personality disturbances.
Classmate: (does not reply, continues studying)
Me: Swak di ba? Excessive daytime sleepiness, intellectual impairment, personality disturbances . . . di ba?
Classmate: (finally turns to me) Remember the discussion in Psychiatry on somatoform disorders? There’s this disorder called hypochondriasis . . .

Needless to say, we laughed our heads off like crazy after that.


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