Thursday, April 13, 2006

life, so far

My two week-rotation in the male service ward of Internal Medicine is almost over. I am at a loss for descriptions to encapsulate the innumerable embarassments and foolishness that I have done in so short a time. And while some doctors, patients, patient's relatives, nurses, aides, etc. trample upon my dignity from time to time there are moments of pure ecstasy that makes being a junior medical intern (aka slave-on-duty) worth it. The 24-hour duty plus the next day's 8 hours can be hell on my feet and monitoring vital signs every fifteen minutes does get tiresome but one does get used to it. As they say, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger. So, each morning I wake up with a roar . . . then I try to get out of bed and feel every single muscle aching.

Such is life.


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